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Idle hands do the Devil's work.


5K best so far

I ran a 20:24 today at the TX Roundup, a PR by about 8 seconds.


Ahhh. Intelligent design...

I stole this from somewhere. It's great to live in Texas.


The Modern Fresh

My friend Josh's website of his travels and travails. He does all the editing and some (all?) of the shooting. Here's the opener, I particularly like the wildcat/eagle cry combo.

the Modern Fresh Opener from themodernfresh on Vimeo.


Tokyo in 10 seconds


Map your runs

Using the Google API people have created a way to map your favorite runs around your favorite city. This loop starts near my house and goes about 6 miles. Check it out for yourself Map My Run


They're bluffing

China threatens to trigger US dollar crash

They most certainly can do it but they won't. A dollar crash, which seems what the world is working toward as Iran starting selling oil to the Japanese in Yen (the US dollar has been the only currency used to trade oil for a long time) and Chavez is rattling sabers. But it won't happen because China's economy is as dependent on us as we are on theirs. If they crush our economy, we don't buy goods from them, and there is no other market to sell their goods in the quantity they sell us. We fold, they fold, and so do a lot of other countries. They might yet go ahead if they are crazy enough to do it. Communism triumphs by beating the capitalists at their own game. As the people don't have much of a voice in China, I could see the leaders not caring if people can't buy cell phones and new cars. But I don't think that will happen. Other countries' citizens are much more willing to riot in the streets.

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I can't believe this

This has to be the most racist thing I've seen in a long time...and it comes from Intel, world masters of processing chips.
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
That's right, bow down to the superiority of the white man! Only he can make your life better, galley slaves! This is ridiculous and shouldn't be an ad that, by the way, was sent to perhaps millions of homes in a Dell catalogue. What weird ass hidden psychology was going on here? That guy does look a bit like Michael Dell, or at least the skinny Michael Dell.


My Daughter at 15 mos.

The Hard Dish Installs The Manual


the latest pic of my babygirl and babydoll


How the Schools Shortchange Boys by Gerry Garibaldi, City Journal Summer 2006

"As Sommers understood, it is boys’ aggressive and rationalist nature—redefined by educators as a behavioral disorder—that’s getting so many of them in trouble in the feminized schools. Their problem: they don’t want to be girls."

Worth a read.


UK, Calif. strike global warming deal

It goes to show you that the Feds can just be bypasssed when the administration isn't doing what the people want. There is enough information and tools available that states and localities can go it alone when they want to produce results. From Governor Schwarzenegger, "We see that there is not great leadership from the federal government when it comes to protecting the environment...We know there is global warming, so we should stop it."
Not exactly the party line but given he is the Gov. of California, certainly in line with what the constiuency wants. Remember the term "by the people, for the people"? The current administration seems to have forgotten about it and now folks are leaving Bush behind and doing what they know is right.